
  • "Beyond Dust and Grime," in Aeon Magazine, 2022
    “游乎尘垢之外”,收录于 Aeon 电子杂志,2022

  • "Detachment: A Trait-Reliabilist Virtue in Linji’s Chan Buddhism," in Ernest Sosa Encountering Chinese Philosophy, edited by Yong Huang, Bloomsbury, 2022

  • "Moral Therapy and the Imperative of Empathy: Mencius Encountering Slote," in Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy, edited by Yong Huang, Bloomsbury, 2020

  • "Ambivalence of Family and Disunity of Virtues in Mencius’ Political Philosophy," in Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 33, 2020

  • "Character Is the Way: The Path to Spiritual Freedom in the Linji Lu" in Dao Companion to Chinese Buddhist Philosophy, edited by Youru Wang and Sandra Wawrytko, Springer, 2018
    “性格是道:《临济录》中的精神自由之路”,收录于DAO丛书《中国佛教哲学篇》,王佑如、Sandra Wawrytko(合编),施普林格出版社,2018

  • "Oneness and its Discontent: Contesting Ren in Classical Chinese Philosophy," in The Oneness Hypothesis: Beyond the Boundary of Self, edited by Philip J. Ivanhoe et. al., Columbia University Press, 2018
    “一体性及其缺憾:中国先秦哲学中对‘仁’的争论”,载于《一体性假说:跨越自我的界限》, 艾文贺等(合编),哥伦比亚大学出版社,2018

  • "The Problem of Authorship and the Project of Chinese Philosophy: ZHUANG Zhou and the Zhuangzi between Sinology and Philosophy in Western Academy," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15.1, 2016
    “作者的身份与中国哲学的研究:西方汉学与哲学对庄周和《庄子》的论争”,《道》15.1, 2016

  • "Incommensurability of Two Conceptions of Reality: Dependent Origination and Emptiness in Nāgārjuna’s MMK," Philosophy East and West 64.1, 2014

  • "Isaiah Berlin’s Challenge to the Zhuangzian Freedom," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2012

  • "Two Notions of Freedom in Classical Chinese Thought: The Concept of Hua 化 in the Zhuangzi and the Xunzi," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10, 2011
    “中国先秦思想中的两种自由观:《庄子》和《荀子》中的化”,《道》 10,2011

  • "Linji and William James on Mortality: Two Visions of Pragmatism," in Mortality in Traditional China, edited by Amy Olberding and Philip J. Ivanhoe. SUNY, 2011
    “临济与威廉・詹姆斯论死亡:两种实证主义的观点”,《传统中国的死亡观》,Amy Olberding、艾文贺(合编),纽约州立大学出版社,2011

  • "The Dilemma of Skillful Means in Buddhist Pedagogy: Desire and Educations in the Lotus Sūtra," in Educations and Their Purposes: A Philosophical Dialogue among Cultures, edited by Roger Ames and Peter Hershock, University of Hawaii Press, 2007
    “佛教教学中方便法门的困境:《莲花经》中的欲望和教育”,《教育及其目的:文化间的哲学对话》,安乐哲、Peter Hershock(合编),夏威夷大学出版社,2007

  • "Intimate Authority: The Rule of Ritual in Classical Confucian Political Discourse," Chapter Two in Confucian Cultures of Authority in Practice: China, edited by Roger Ames and Peter Hershock. State University of New York Press, 2006
    “亲密的权威:先秦儒家政治理念中的礼治”,《儒家权威文化的实践:中国》,安乐哲、Peter Hershock(合编),纽约州立大学出版社,2006

  • "Ālayavijñāna and the Problematic of Continuity in the Cheng Weishi Lun," Journal of Indian Philosophy 33:3, 2005

  • "Accessibility of the Subliminal Mind: Transcendence vs. Immanence," Continental Philosophy Review 38:3-4, 2005

  • "The Problematic of Continuity: Nishida Kitarō and Aristotle," Philosophy East & West 55:3, 2005

  • "The Storehouse Consciousness and the Unconscious: A Comparative Study of Xuan Zang and Freud on the Subliminal Mind," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 72:1, 2004

  • "The Role of History in Chan/Zen Enlightenment," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy IV.1, 2004

  • "A Buddhist Scheme in Engaging Modern Science: The Case of Taixu (1890-1947)," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 29:4, 2002

  • "The Problematic of Whole/Part and the Horizon of the Enlightened in Huayan Buddhism," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28:4, 2001